Jasper Mhaka

In wake of the visible and massive positive strides made by President ED Mnangagwa, in confronting the national challenges and tangible results demonstrated in Just 3 years of his term in Office.

The woke Zimbabwean hasn’t taken time to embrace working policies of the Second republic. Meanwhile what holds the last piece the Mdc wreckage is the US’ adamant stance on the increasingly exposed ills of their foreign policy towards Zimbabwe. Perhaps pride in not admitting the agressive coercion does not work in Zimbabwean politics, as evidenced by the consistent resolve by the voter to trust the regime that has consistently stood by their empowering pro people Ideology.

Aside the fact that America has been bullying the UN with its resources and its the rare vigilantes like Alena Douhan’s who have been telling the world the truth about American Hypocrisy in Venezuela, Syria, Zimbabwe, Afghanistan,Pakistan where the true virtue of international law are ignored by America – meddling in local politics and commiting grave war crime allegations.

To say that the imposition of Sanctions on Zimbabwe by the U.S. Executive Order 13288 as the ground for introducing sanctions against Zimbabwe, and repeatedly extended,
does not correspond to the requirements of article 4 of the International Covenant on
Civil and Political Rights. And therefore illegal, against international law. This among others is the hypocrisy of the west and their puppets, to claim to be defending human rights and constitutionalism when they impunutively ignore UN protocol.

The baseless and shameless denial of the obvious impacts of these sanctions on ordinary citizens is shocking, as would the denial of the impact of unrestricted aerial bombing known to kill countless innnocent women and children in Afghanistan and Pakistan.

People should realise that Alena Douhan is a truth teller exposing a trail of US inconsistency in its foreign policy.

My million dollar question to the level headed Zimbabwean and policy maker is : How is the act of sanction lobbying not incriminating, when the sanctions are illegal? Does it not constitute an act of conspiracy to commission??

The Mdc tantrams following the UN Rapporteur is a desperate attempt to defend US impunitive stance on disrespecing Unfortunately ited Nations.How does the Mdc come and sell the defending constitutionalism mantra when they are privy of illegal sanctions that costs Zimbabweans livelihoods and development.

How acceptable in the moral sense of the case of Biti and Chamisa maliciously lobbying for Zimbabwe’s continued suffering and still be allowed to participate in the developmental politics of the country?

As if not significant, yet eye opening is the realisation that the US itself has in its constitution laws as old the logan Act (1799) That incriminate the acts of individuals conspiring with foreign Nations against Government…. ” unauthorized correspondence with foreign governments.”

What is good for the goose,is good for the gander saith a old English adage, in same token what is illegal in the Super US must be illegal in Zimbabwe.

I call upon our patriotic lawmen of the Constitutional assembly to know in their everyday conscience that, their pace in handling of the Patriotic Bill is deciding the fate of millions of innocent men, women and children who are suffering at the mercy of the direct impacts of illegal sanctions that some individuals continue to vouch for impunitively against Government.


By admin