
Whatsapp Group ” ZANU PF Patriots” Donate To Mathew Rusike Children’s Home
By Correspondent , 21 , May 2017 in    Africa Inspiring NewsSlider
Harare, Zimbabwe. (News of The South) – ZANU PF WhatsApp group, “ZANU PF Patriots” created about 3 years ago by Administrators Elias Sibanda and Farai Mupanduki(Godfather) with over 250 members today presented food items and toiletries  worth $500 to Mathew Rusike Children’s Home.
Our publication had an interview with the founding Administrator Cde Farai Mupinduki who narrated the build up of the group its mission, core values and reasons for existence.
ZANU PF Patriots Group Administrator (PA)
News Of the South (NOTS)
NOTS: Welcome Cde Mupinduki and yes congratulations for such a prestigious milestone you have reached as a WhatsApp Group, Happy Anniversary
PA: Thank You,
NOTS: Tell Us more Cde, what is ZANU Patriots GROUP
ZANU PF PATRIOTS group was founded on the 16th March 2014 by Zanu PF comrades who are in South Africa and Namibia. The main thrust was to push for democratic space for ZANU PF on the cyber and social media front as we faced an onslaught from the opposition on these two spheres. The lack of ZANU PF groupings thus necessitated us to form our group to counter the opposition groups.
Our group had a 3 phase plan.
Phase 1
was to recruit as much members as practicably possible and teach each other the party history, ideologies and policies. During this phase we wanted to craft a raft of rules and guidelines which are in tandem to the party rules and maintain a certain disciplinary level amongst our members. This phase was completed successfully at the end of the 6th National People’s Congress in December 2014
Phase 2
This phase was to fight for Youth Empowerment and Development within the party, government and corporate world. This phase is still on-going. We have managed to create a sub-group called ZANU PF PATRIOTS EMPOWERMENT. In this group members who feel they can be entrepreneurs have grouped with a view to form an economic empowerment vehicle. At this stage we have registered a Trust which conducts all philanthropic work for the political group.
Phase 3
This phase Included pushing for occupation of the cyber democratic space. This includes being brand ambassadors of the party on all social networking sites. This phase has seen us opening a Facebook page and a Twitter handle and having our own website by year end. We are also targeting starting a magazine. The thematic committee for this magazine is currently doing its research.
NOTS: Yes that’s profound Comrade, tell us more about the Patriots Day.
Patriots Day is the day which the ZANU Pf Patriots group formed to commemorate every year on the Patriots Calendar and this year the group decided to have get together and philanthropy work to mark the 3-rd anniversary of ZANU Pf Patriots.
Matthew Rusike Children’s Home was identified as the partner to this philanthropic cause.
NOTS: So you’re also into philanthropy as a WhatsApp group?
PA: Yes we have a philanthropy Wing at ZANU PF Patriots. This department is run by a Trust which is a legal persona registered with the Registrar of Deeds under the name PACODET – PATRIOTS COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT TRUST
NOTS: Wooooow So this year you’re celebrating in style at Mathew Rusike Children’s Home. Tell us more what do you have in store for the kids.
PA: As we build up to this day. A campaign code named Adopt A Child was launched by the Administrators of the ZANU Pf Patriots to buy a T-shirt each for the children at Mathew Rusike Children’s Home.
The target was 143 kids and the response was very overwhelming with 100-kids being clothed through pledges and payments done by our esteemed members. The 100 T-shirts costed $500-00
On general donations, our philanthropy team was tasked with getting donations to Matthew Rusike Children’s Home and goods valued in the region of $300-500.00 were donated and pledged for the home.
NOTS: Well Done Comrades and I’m forced to make a prayer that “May you not grow weary in doing good”.
PA: Amen and Thank You

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