By Voice of Reason

ZANU PF  National Conference Technical Committee has been on a whirlwind tour of the provinces meeting with party leadership as preparations for holding the 19th Annual People’s Conference heats up.
The conference, a first of its kind as it shall be hosted virtually with most delegates following from home is scheduled for October in Bindura, Mashonaland Central.
During the past week, the technical committee met with leadership in the Matabeleland region to activate Provincial sub-committees and start preparations for the hosting of the 19th Annual People’s Conference. Led by ZANU PF Party Director for Administration Cde. Dickson Dzora, the committee was in Gwanda,  Matebeleland South on Wednesday the 18th of August before proceeding to Lupane the Matebeland North capital on Thursday. The Lupane meeting was followed by the committee meeting Bulawayo leadership on Friday the 20th.

On Saturday, the team was in Gweru, the Midlands capital to meet with the provincial party leadership and set up provincial sub-committee for the successful hosting of the People’s Conference. In attendance were Politiburo members Cdes.. July Moyo and Simbarashe Mumbengegwi, the Provincial leadership, Minister of Foreign Affairs and International Trade Cde. Fredrick Shava, the Midlands Minister of State, Cde Larry Mavima and his technical team from government among others.

Cde Dzora’s message to all the provinces was the same. He said, “The 19th Annual People’s Conference scheduled for October this year is being held virtually due to Covid-19. This has in turn, necessitated ZANU PF to move with the times and modernise by embracing ICT.”

Cde Dzora reiterated that ZANU PF has a track record of success, hence failure will not be an option.
The last meeting and setting up of provincial technical teams is on Tuesday, were the Harare Provincial leadership meets the national technical team to complete this preliminary exercise. Thereafter preparations by all committees and sub committees will start in earnest.

The subcommittees for Mashonaland Central, Mashonaland West, Mashonaland East, Manicaland and Masvingo Provinces were activated earlier this month.

The conference will be held in Bindura, Mashonaland Central where only a small number of delegates will gather as the principal node while the rest of the Provinces will attend virtually in their respective Provincial venues. Provinces will cater for their delegates in terms of transport, food and accommodation.

Members of the National Conference Technical Committee include, Directors, Mushonga- Administration,  Mhlope- Finance, Madondo- Security, Mandipaka- Security, Mandengu- Transport and Social Welfare, Mugwadi- Information, Chirumhanzu- Science and Technology,  Gwazemba- Health as well as Party ICT personnel Cdes Munyaradzi Katsande and Elias Sibanda.


By admin