Staff Reporter
ZIMBABWE’s intensified efforts in fighting the pandemic resulted in a 42 percent decrease in the number of new Covid-19 infections as compared to the previous week.
Giving an update during yesterday’s cabinet meeting, the Chairperson of the Ad-hoc Inter-Ministerial Task Force on COVID-19 Cde Oppah Muchinguri said the number of infections decreased slightly during the week under review, with 6 781 cases recorded, compared to the 11 652 reported the previous week.
“This reflected a 42% decrease, and indicated that the infection prevention and control measures are yielding results. However, more efforts are required to contain the third wave of the pandemic,” she said.
“As of 10th August 2021, there were one hundred and seventeen thousand, two hundred and fifty eight (117 258) cumulative positive cases, compared to the one hundred and nine thousand, five hundred and forty six (109 546) reported last week. The cumulative number of deaths reached 3 950, compared to the three thousand and five hundred and eighty three (3 583) reported last week.”
Cabinet noted with concern the surge in confirmed cases in Midlands Province and said concerted efforts will be made to address the situation in that province as well as in other known COVID-19 hotspots.
Cabinet further informed the nation that work to increase bed capacity at several COVID-19 treatment centres throughout the country is continuing.
“The country’s companies and universities have enough raw materials to increase the production of Personal Protective Equipment as well as medicines for managing COVID-19,” said Publicity and Broadcasting Services Minister Monica Mutsvangwa during the media briefing.
“In order to ensure provision of water, 12 new boreholes were drilled and 126 others were rehabilitated. Seven handwashing facilities were established at public places, while 95 hygiene promotion sessions were conducted.
“Assessments on the state of preparedness for the safe re-opening of schools is ongoing across all provinces. The Ministry of Primary and Secondary Education has redoubled efforts towards the targeted provision of tents, additional furniture, reliable water sources, ablution facilities, and the decongestion of teacher accommodation. Testing for COVID-19 is also being escalated in communities.”
So far 1 933 220 people have received their first dose and 1 084 392, their second dose.