By Tendai Moyo

This month heroes is a special time to remember the sacrifices made by many gallant sons and daughters of Zimbabwe who went to war to liberate the country from colonial rule. It is a time when the country sets aside time to think deeply about how these men and women abandoned school and their livelihoods to bring back the freedom to the people who had been tormented by the colonizer.

The hard won freedom saw many maimed while others never returned home and still lie unburied in ditches and river courses. Many efforts have been made to bring back those who have not yet come back.

In his address recently, President and First Secretary of ZANU PF Cde E.D Mnangagwa highlighted that those who remain alive need to be torch bearers and emerge as new heroes.

He noted that the forebears laid a solid foundation for the country’s development, freedom and independence.

“It is my singular honour and priviledge to address those here gathered and the nation at large on this annual occasion where we remember departed comrades, brothers, sisters, mothers and fathers who took the fate of this nation into their own hands. These are the brave warriors who went to war and paid the ultimate sacrifice in order to liberate our great country,” President Mnangagwa said.

“They took a pledge to perish rather than yield to a brutal and oppressive colonial settler system so that today, we may live in happiness, freedom, independence and prosperity. It is to them that today we pay this sacred homage of remembrance.

“Our collective trait as a hardworking and honest people must be deployed at all levels and in all sections of the society. It is incumbent on us who remain to be the torch bearers and emerge as new heroes and heroines guided by the ethos of our forebears who laid the firm foundation of our country’s development, freedom and independence. These include the late Sekuru Kaguvi, Mbuya Nehanda, Queen Lozikeyi, General Mtshane Khumalo, Herbert Chitepo, Jaison Ziyaphapha Moyo, Josiah Magama Tongogara, Dr Joshua Nkomo, Dr Simon Vengesai Muzenda and Cde Robert Gabriel Mugabe, among others.”


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