Kennedy Mapesa Mandaza

ZANU PF SA joins and congratulates His Excellency The President of the Republic of Zimbabwe Cde. E. D. Mnangagwa, Zimbabwe Defence Forces, and indeed the entirety of all Zimbabweans, in celebrating the day that we commemorate the heroic and selfless sacrifices made by our heroes and heroines towards the attainment of our independence .

The Heroes Day as a national annual event seeks to remind us of the ideals and objectives of the liberation struggle, upon which we should all unite as a nation.

The enduring peace, unity and freedom we enjoy today reminds us that we are collective benefeciaries of the sacrifices and courage of men and women who rose above selfishness, regionalism and tribalism, to pay the ultimate price for our freedom from colonial subjugation.

To that end ZANU PF SA commends the government of Zimbabwe for the path they continue to take of ensuring that war veterans, collaborators, ex-detainees and non combatant cadres are duly recognised, respected and given the deserved means to be productive and self sufficient.

As we revel in the successes being scored by the new dispensation in the socio-economic sphere, ZANU PF SA calls upon all Zimbabweans to reflect closely and carefully on the courage, fearlessness and selflessness of our heroes and heroines of the liberation struggle, as we search within ourselves whether we are living and contributing positively towards the ideal nation to which many of our heroes and heroines did not live to see and enjoy.

These are the heroes and heroines we owe the respect to make Zimbabwe a great nation through honest hard work.

ZANU PF SA takes this opportunity to encourage all Zimbabweans to shun corruption and all vices that are anathema to development and embrace the development trajectory that has been taken by the new dispensation. This is what our heroes and heroines sacrificed for, to see a Zimbabwe in which all Zimbabweans are free and positively contributing to the economic development of our great nation, most importantly as masters of our own destiny.

The heroes and heroines we celebrate believed and cherished unity and hardwork as hallmarks of our success as a people. Therefore we call upon all Zimbabweans regardless of their geographical location to contribute to the socio-economic transformation of our great nation. This is a challenge we should all grapple with, learning from our gallant heroes and heroines who valued action rather than arm-chair participation.

As we celebrate the Heroes Day ZANU PF SA urges all Zimbabweans to celebrate this commemoration responsibly in light of the global and national pandemic which continues to ravage communities. We encourage all Zimbabweans to take all non pharmaceutical precautions such as social distancing, masking and sanitising, seriously in order to contain the spread of the virus.

Our heroes and heroines taught us that in unity and hard work we are invincible, hence the call for us to unite in the fight against the pandemic.

Happy Heroes Day


By admin