Breast cancer awareness campaign
DATE: 10th OCTOBER 2017
Adv Kuda: Good evening Cdes.
As you are Aware the month of October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month and as a group we fully support this initiative.
As part of our Broad initiatives to raise awareness on this important subject tonight we are joined by Dr. G. Madziva a medical practitioner who will help shed light on Breast Cancer.
As is the norm the first part of the show will be a closed session were i will engage our guest on a number of issues related to our topic.
The floor will be open later for your questions.
Dr. Madziva welcome to our humble platform. Let’s get right into it shall we?
Dr. Godknows Madziva: Thank you Advocate Muzenda.
Adv Kuda: Dr. Madziva
Let me begin by asking what Breast Cancer really is in general because many of us have misconceptions about this disease?
Dr. Godknows Madziva: Breast cancer is simply uncontrolled growth of part of a breast and affects more females than males in the ratio of 100 as to 1 respectively.
Adv Kuda: From your answer above i have two follow up questions
1. You speak of the disease affecting women more than women; does this mean men can also be victims of breast cancer?
2. Do we have various forms of breast cancer or is it one type of breast cancer we have?
Dr. Godknows Madziva: Breast cancer may arise from what are called lobules or the ducts as shown in the diagram below.
Dr. Godknows Madziva: Men are affected too but very rare as compared to women.
In Zimbabwe breast cancer in top 5 of cancers affecting women.
2. Yes there are different types of breast cancer depending on site of origin, age and other things
Adv Kuda: Dr. Madziva
I see you speak of various types of cancers. What makes Breast cancer unique from other types of cancers?
Dr. Godknows Madziva: Breast cancer can be diagnosed early and it has a better outcome when diagnosed early.
All women are encouraged to do self-breast examination every month as part of self-screening.
Adv Kuda: Dr. Madziva
Is there a way for one to examine themselves for breast cancer or its only medical personnel who can do these examinations?
Dr. Godknows Madziva: It’s encouraged to do self-breast examination in front of a mirror and notice any changes in the breast.
If there are changes or if you feel any abnormalities you go on and see a doctor.
When examining you examine the whole breast and the armpit.
Adv Kuda: Please tell us more on this self-exam.
What will one be looking for exactly and how often must one do this exam?
Dr. Godknows Madziva: For self-breast examination if one is not breastfeeding you look for any discharge from the nipple. If it’s blood you need to see a doctor immediately.
When you feel the breast one will be looking for lumps in the breast or armpit.
One breast at a time when examining.
You also look for any skin color changes or breast swelling
Adv Kuda: Doctor
Does this cancer have a specific age group it mostly affects or are all women at risk?
Dr. Godknows Madziva: All women are at risk of breast cancer but it affects mostly women in the 50s to 70s
Other risk factors include:
1. Low number of children or having no children at all
2. Age in the 50-70
3. Positive family history of breast cancer. Apa tikureva vabereki kana vaunozvarwa navo mudumbu rimwe.
4. Obesity
Adv Kuda: Dr. From the above lets zero in on genetics.
Is Breast cancer hereditary or to put it differently should one whose family has a history of breast cancer be more worried than she whose family has no history of breast cancer?
Dr. Godknows Madziva: Yes if say one’s mother had breast cancer that person is at a higher risk of developing breast cancer. The risk is 4 times higher.
If 2 members are affected the risk is 5 times higher.
Adv Kuda: Now are there any lifestyle habits that increase risk of breast cancer e.g. smoking, drinking, diet etc.?
Dr. Godknows Madziva: Other risk factors include
Diet high in fats
Women who go early for their menstruation and those who reach menopause late.
Dr. Godknows Madziva: Yes they do affect ��
Adv Kuda: Dr. Madziva
Do oral contraceptives have an effect on breast cancer?
Dr. Godknows Madziva: Oral contraceptives increase the risk of breast cancer by 25%. However the risk is reduced once one stops taking them and the risk will be the same as those who didn’t take after 10 years.
Adv Kuda: Well i will leave follow up questions on this issue to the group
Dr. Godknows Madziva: There is also treatment which is called hormone replacement therapy given to post-menopausal women which also increases risk of breast cancer.
In terms of screening tools include
1. Self-breast examination
2. Ultrasound scans of the breasts
3. Mammogram
Thank you.
Questions are welcome.
Adv Kuda: Dr. Madziva
Some sexual partners love to suck and pull the breasts as part of foreplay before sexual intercourse.
Does this have any effect in breast cancer?
Dr. Godknows Madziva: Hahaha well it’s actually good for a partner to know the breast anatomy and it has been noticed that they are the ones who usually notice abnormalities in the breasts.
The foreplay does not increase the risk.
Cde Chinho : If one is found to have breast cancer, does it mean complete removal of the breast or there are other ways of combating it?
Dr. Godknows Madziva: The treatment is determined by the stage of the breast cancer, its aggressiveness, individual preference and other conditions one might have.
Adv Kuda: Last question before we open the floor
Can Breast cancer be treated?
Dr. Godknows Madziva: yes it can be treated. We encourage early diagnosis at it has better outcome
Adv Kuda: Dear Cdes
The floor is open for you. You may engage our Good Dr.
Cde Chinho : For that 1 man in 100, how can breast cancer be avoided and if one is unfortunate to have it, how is it treated in men
Dr. Godknows Madziva: Unfortunately one can’t completely avoid breast cancer but reduce the risk by leading a healthy lifestyle. No smoking, less fats, moderate drinking. More of fruits, grains and white meat.
You may want to look up for what’s called Mediterranean diet.
Treatment will depend on stage.
Jervas: What’s the risk of cancer depending with the size of breast, i enjoy big boobs actually!
Dr. Godknows Madziva: Size does not matter
Cde Nyathi: Dr. Madziva
Some teachings claim that sucking on nipples reduces chances of breast cancer.
Is this teaching accurate?
Dr. Godknows Madziva: I am yet to come across that. I can’t confirm nor deny.
However women who breast for a longer time reduce the risk of breast cancer more so if they have more children.
Adv Kuda: So one giving birth is a good blockade to breast cancer?
Dr. Godknows Madziva: Treatment options depending on the stage will include removal of the breast lump
Removal of the whole breast
Chemotherapy which are drugs for cancers
These can be given in combination depending with the stage.
Giving birth before 30 years, yes it reduces the risk.
the godFather: Dr. Madziva
Thank you very much for gracing our platform.
My question is, what is government doing to ensure the rate of breast cancer is minimized? Is it only pink October and we done till next year? Are there any special preference programs like we do on ATM (Aids/TB/Malaria)?
Dr. Godknows Madziva: We encourage people to do self-breast examination every month.
Unfortunately it doesn’t have support as compared to those programmes that’s why we advocate for early diagnosis.
Cancers are now killing more people than HIV. I sure you have heard the debate about aids levy being used to cover screening programmes.
NAC national aids council donated a mammography machine at Mpilo hospital as a way to help screening.
What we are doing is educating people on screening.
Privy: Good evening Doctor.
Does that mean every pulled in nipple is a sign of breast cancer?
Dr. Godknows Madziva: It may be a sign. It will be good to have examination by a doctor.
Cde Simpleton Banny: Dr. Madziva
When you talk of oral contraceptives what will you be referring to?
Dr. Godknows Madziva: Oral contraceptives are pills taken to prevent pregnancy.
Cde Simpleton Banny: Dr. Madziva
How many breast cancer screening methods do we have in Zimbabwe and which is the most affordable?
Dr. Godknows Madziva: I have mentioned them above.
The most affordable is self-breast examination.
Cde Cherry: Nipple here?
Dr. Godknows Madziva: Yes the nipple.
If it looks different from the other then have a breast examination by a doctor.
Adv Kuda: Dr. Madziva
As we close shop there was a question abt what really oral contraceptives are.
Maybe you could answer that before we allow you to rest?
Privy: During menstruation women’s breasts swell. Is it true women must fondle their breast during menstruation to prevent lumps from growing.?
Dr. Godknows Madziva: It’s a myth.
Penelope: Doc
Is there a stage that the doctors will just allow a patient palliative care or they try anyway even if it’s hopeless medically?
Does breast cancer also have different aggressions where once I have been diagnosed, whatever treatment I get is just improving quality of life but it’s a matter of time chete?
Does exercise reduce risk of occurrence of this beast?
Are you recommending that we use the non-hormonal methods of contraception as compared to the hormonal ones?
Dr. Godknows Madziva: For clients who present late, because of various reason one if offered palliative care especially if the cancer has spread to other parts of the body like lungs liver and bones and the client is not is good shape to give chemotherapy. Some clients present very late with breast ulcers and some can’t even be operated.
Early presentation helps.
Breast cancer in those below 40 is very aggressive and requires aggressive treatment too.
People who do exercise tend to live a healthy lifestyle hence helps reduce the risk of breast cancer.
To use or not to use oral contraceptives it’s at one’s own choice.
Definite: Manheru Chiremba
There is a big lump in the breast of women who have not yet breastfeed, how do we differentiate the lumps?
Dr. Godknows Madziva: It may be difficult for a person not in the medical field to differentiate lumps hence it’s encouraged to go to a doctor for further examination +/- other investigations once you detect a lump in the breast.
Definite: Noted with thanks
Penelope: Chiremba
There is an increasing battle between medicine and herbalists. The latter claims to have answers to cancer that medicine has failed.
Can one who has been diagnosed with cancer at whatever stage mix these two forms?!
Dr. Godknows Madziva: Depends on what kind of herbs and what they’re for.
In what I have seen so far those who have chosen herbs as a treatment option have died because the lumps continues to go despite such herbs.
They’re herbs to increase health that can be taken though. My knowledge in terms of use of herbs to treat cancer is limited but i have certified people dead because of that.
We have told some of our patients to take black jack or mutsine and ginger to prevent side effects of chemotherapy.
Doreen: Good evening Dr. Madziva
How can I reduce my risk of breast cancer ?
Dr. Godknows Madziva: By leading a healthy lifestyle. I think I answered someone up there.
Do also self-breast examinations.
Doreen: Chiremba,
What type of doctor should I see if I think I might have breast cancer ?
Dr. Godknows Madziva: Any general practitioners will do though they may refer you if they feel you need more help.
Doreen: Chiremba
How often must i have a screening mammogram and a clinical breast exam
Dr. Godknows Madziva: Mammogram is usually once a year and same for breast exam.
Adv Roeze: Chiremba
I have a sister who has very noticeable size difference in her boobs. One is overly huge and she complains of sharp pain but no lump. Could it be a symptom of BC?
Dr. Godknows Madziva: It could be and I encourage her to have an examination by a doctor and other investigation like a scan of the breasts or mammogram.
Adv Kuda: Dr.
Do traditional herbs help in treating or fighting cancer?
Dr. Godknows Madziva: My knowledge of herbs is very limited but what I have seen is they don’t help. Personal opinion.
They’re few which I have seen to help in terms of side effects of treatments given which I mentioned ��
Definite: Chiremba
What about types of bra and colour. Is it true that some colors causes breast cancer especially black?
Dr. Godknows Madziva: Wear a bra that’s comfortable. Color doesn’t matter.
Definite: Thank you noted
Adv Kuda: Dr. Madziva
As we end this show what would be your parting shots on this subject of breast cancer?
Dr. Godknows Madziva: I encourage monthly self-breast examinations for everyone.
Remember early diagnosis has better outcome and cheaper to treat.
Let’s educate others on self-breast exam, our parents and those who may not be on WhatsApp.
During campaigns let’s educate our people too.
For men above the age of 40 it’s encouraged to have what’s called PSA as a screening for Prostate Cancer.
Every women should be screened for cervical cancer. Take that opportunity to have breast examinations
For women another opportunity to have screening is when you go for cervical cancer screening which I hope every women here has had.
Cde Simpleton Banny: Dr. Madziva
Before you go, can you promise us that you will come back for more useful engagements like this one again?
I have learnt hangu! Thank You
Dr. Godknows Madziva: Sure.
Adv Kuda: Well with that promise and powerful words it is my pleasure to thank you for sharing so much information on breast cancer.
In deed we have been empowered and we thank you
Good Night Dr. Madziva
Till next time Zanu PF Patriots bids u farewell and thanks u
Dr. Godknows Madziva: Thank you very much for your invitation and participation.


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