THE GODFATHER: Good Evening Patriots and welcome to the First Edition of School of Ideology in 2016 and the Sixth Epistle of the program
Tonight The Patriots Teacher walks us thru this murky waters of ideology. Murky but sweet because it shapes our party
Elder Gilbert, good evening and the floor is yours
THE RESIDENT TEACHER ELDER GILBERT: Thank U Godfather, the Chief Administrator!
A very good evening to all esteemed Patriots!
Welcome to the 1st edition of the School of Ideology for the year 2016, which also happens to be our 6th edition in total.
The School of Ideology team i.e the resident teacher and the crew behind the scene promises a more better and upgraded SoI, with insightful, inspiring and educative sessions.
At this juncture allow me to inform U that, our consistent and persistent campaign for the establishment of the SoI in ZANU PF , accompanied and inspired by our own SoI sessions, has led to our Party ZANU PF to prioritise the Launch of the Chitepo Ideological College thos year 2016.
Anyway, without much further a-do, let’s get down to the topic for today
The issue of ideological training, has always critical in all Socialist-Communist Political organisations.
*has always been
It has also to be pointed out that, all the countries which waged liberation Wars in order to be independent valued ideological equipment of a cadre
The leaders of the Political Parties who led various Political parties across the world i.e Africa, Asia and South America all got political orientation one way or the other.
Our very own Cde R.G Mugabe got political education at Kwame Nkrumah Ideological Institute in 1961,
Therefore, it becomes critical for Parties that went through the gruesome experience to have independence to continuouosly teach their leaders and future leaders in order to safeguard the independence in perpetuity
However, it becomes also of paramount importance to look at other countries who have gone or have tried to go through the route of ideological institutes
Will go through the experiences of Ghana, China and DPRK(North Korea) in the given order
After its independence in 1957, the independent country was led by Dr Kwame Nkrumah.
Because his Cabinet pre-domintly had cadres who were either learned in USA or Britain, Dr Nkrumah in the early days of independence called for the education of influential members of the Party and Govt to be taught the tenets of Socialism.
It took over 5yrs for the institution to be established
The official students to be enrolled were enrolled in 1962 with 100 students
The school only lasted 4 enrolments, i.e
1962 100
1963 210
1964 475
1965 550
Lessons Learned
It can be noted that it took over a long time for the ideological institute to be established because it was resisted by some members of his inner circle.
Secondly, the mere fact that Nkrumah’s circke had members of the ideological training which was contrary to his beliefs made it hard for the school to continue
Also, the school lived only during his tenure, after he was couped,the school was discontinued.
But the school created Cdes like our own Cde RG Mugabe were created
The People’s Republic of China
Since the establishment of the P.R. of China in 1949 on 1 October, the country has had an ideological training of cadres.
In fact, their School curricula has been fused with their communist thinking.
However, since 1949 to 1976, the Chinese ideology had been fused with what is called Mao’s thought, which were the thoughts of the paramount leader Mao ZeDong.
After the death of Mao, the paramount leader became Deng Xiaoping who also revolutionalised the ideological training through the establishment of the Cadre Development, the Red Guards and also the establishment of Ideological Universities.
Lesssons Learned
It can be noted that the success of the Chinese Cadrs.Development programme and the Ideological training has been the cornerstone if the Chinese CPC success story.
Furthermore, the success had also attributed to whst is called Communism with Chinese Characteristics.
The Chinese characteristics are the experiences and the home grown solutions
The DPRK(North Korea)
Am not going to delve into the Korean War.
However, the paramount leader of North Korea, Kim il Sung valued the issue of ideological training.
He believed in the training of cadres since he was amongst the few Koreans who had received basic educations though he was not well educated.
Since he was an avid follower of PR of China, he followed the proceedings in their neighbors.
He wrote many writings and later.fused with them with communist teachings and later called the teachings the Juche idea.
This ideological teaching( Juche idea) has become the cornerstone of the development of the country..
The Army and all the security sector of the country upon enrolling are taught the higher tenets of the Juche idea.
Furthermore, the Juche idea has been fused with the curricula of the education system
Lessons Learnt DPRK
It can be noted that the success of the DPRK are similar to the ones attributed to the PR of China
Now coming back to Zimbabwe, it has to be learned that,
1) if at all we endeavor the success of the Ideological School, there has to be the meeting of the minds, what we call in Law “Consensus ad idem” amongst our leaders if the school is to be a success.
Even beyond the leadership of Cde RG Mugabe.
2) The ideological training has to be fused with our own home grown solution.
3) We have to begin to celebrate our own, and not idolise.
With this, Cde Admin, I think its time to interact with my fellow patriots…
The floor is open and lets ask so that we get a clearer picture
CDE MANYATIl What is happening in the meantime, as we await consensus on starting up a school of ideology. Do we have stand by measures currently at use?
THE GODFATHER: Resident Teacher
Thank you for the walk thru other revolutions and they leaning towards ideology, now my question is: The numbers at Winneba Institute as you showed us seemed like they were in linear progression, what then led to the #fall of the Ideology School?
You also said this year there is a thrust to start the School of Ideology, what measures have been put to ensure we don’t fall into the Nkhrumah Institute pit?
FOUNDER JERVAS: Cde Gilbert am sorry to take u back a bit what’s the difference between a school of ideology and NYS!
Is NYS the current temporary measure we have?
CDE DEWA: Cde Gilbert (clapping hands)
1) The curricula for the SoI is 99% through, maybe just the final touches, U may not be aware that in 2014, the school almost kickstarted.
So the software is there.
But ultimately its a political decision
2) The stopping of the Kwame Nkrumah Ideological institute can be atributted to Nkrumah’s fall and the lack of leaders who followed the Communism-Socialism ideals, remember the British are fingered in his coup and subsequent coup.
Furthermore in the issue of measures to be taken to ensure continuity of our SoI, the issue of adhering to resolutions will be taught, remember since 2010, SoI has been at the center of resolutions
3) The NYS contains some SoI topics, in % terms around 60%
FOUNDER JERVAS: Cde Gilbert won’t u think success of Sol is the the hands of who is our masters are:
THE GODFATHER: Resident Teacher
So if NYS contains approximately 60% of SoI topics can we safely say NYS is the buffer to SoI or rather muzukuru weSoI?
THE RESIDENT TEACHER ELDER GILBERT: The term master is a term which is linked to our former colonisers , because they treated their colonial “subjects” as so,
Which aspect of master are U referring to?
I am not sure of the NYS training after 2008.
But the 1 started in 2001 to 2007,is the 1 i referred to
Any more questions…???
FOUNDER JERVAS: Soon after independence we were alienated much to the west and we had little moves towards sol, hence adopting a pre capitalist ideology,early 2000s saw us looking east who have socialism-communism ideologies and we saw the introduction of NYS.
Our Masters:Westerners
The question can be answered in two ways;
1) if the Party has strong leadership, it doesnt matter, whom U be-friend the Party will pursue its own programs
2) if the party is weak, they its disaster
CDE MANYATI: What can u attribute to the perpetual failure of Sol success!
2) Kuvarairwa
3) Infiltration
Lastly, Kukanganwa chazuro nehope
THE GODFATHER: hahahaha Resident Teacher
We have gone 120minutes on Volume #6 of SoI and if there are no further questions may I take this opportunity to thank everyone who took part in SoI Vol #6 and special thanks to The Resident Teacher
This session is recorded and will be distributed on request.
THE RESIDENT TEACHER ELDER GILBERT: Thank U very much for this session!
This is Cde Gilbert Over and Out!!!


By admin

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