the Godfather: RIGHT….
Congratulations to the Warriors,
Intel Supremo,
Kindly step forward and let’s get DÉTENTE
Prime Time started
Intel Supremo: Ok CIC
the Godfather: Intel Supremo, to begin with, what exactly is “detente”?
Intel Supremo: The year 1975 is believed to be one of the most painful periods in the struggle. This period (Dec 74-jan75) is referred to as the detente
my presentation will be structured as follows:
~ Background & context
~ Chitepo assassination
~ Zambian swoop
~ Events at Mboroma camp
~ The battle to unseat Sithole n the demise of detente
Before we go into detail about detente we just need a brief background check of events that were happening in Africa particularly the front line states. The coup of April 1974 in Portugal that ushered Mozambique independence frightened the West particularly America as they believed that Russia and communist China were gaining control of Africa.
– Please note this was during the cold war
Pvt Munhumutema1: The fall of Salazar…marking the end of estado novo!
Intel Supremo: Detente coincided wt the release of the imprisoned internal nationalist leaders with the view that they will end the war.
-john voster n kenneth kaunda wr the driving force behind detente arrangements for Rhodesia
The release of these nationalist leaders was beside on two premises that is they will end the war n that it will create power struggle within the liberation movements
Some members of the external leaders questioned the release of the internal
leaders .they argued that the internal leaders wr released n free in Rhodesia yet zanu external leaders such as Chitepo n Tongogara wr not allowed to return to Rhodesia. Hence the blv among others that the internal leadership had made a deal with smith
Some argue that they wr released so as to take control of Zanu from a radical Chitepo
~Assassination of Chitepo
Chitepo was killed on 18 marches 76 at his Lusaka home by a car bomb
-for the avoidance of counter accusations Ken flower in his book took responsibility for the assassination of Chitepo as they perceived him as opposed to the Lusaka unit accord wc resulted in the proscription n de-registration of both ZANU n ZAPU.
The death of Chitepo was coordinated by Smith regime however they had help from the Zambian gvt or his enemies within ZANU that is a lethal combination of the three
~The Zambian swoop
The Zambian gvt took adv of Chitepo’s death to clamp down on ZANU n its military wing ZANLA .the assassination provided cover to enforce the ceasefire provisions of the Lusaka unity accord as the Zambian
forces hunted down zanla fighters n its cadres on Zambian soil.
plz note that kaunda was not for zanu he was for zapu he viewed zanu as a breakaway faction of zapu so he wanted to make sure zanla falls under the leadership of zapu within the newly formed UANC
Members of dare reChimurenga n zanla high command members wr arrested by the Zambian gvt in connection with the death of Chitepo. These included gumbo, Tongo, kangai, Meya Urimbo, Zvinavashe among others
-in march 75 the Zambian gvt raided zanu farm camp outside Lusaka as well as Chifombo on the Zambia moza boarder
Tongo was arrested in moza n was handed to the Zambian authority
Prior to his arrest Tongo had dispatched Dzino a member of the high command to provide leadership to zanla forces now being held at Mboroma .Dzino did so however undercover
Abt 1200 zanu cadres wr rounded up at Mboroma of wc 60% wr women n kids
~events at Mboroma (26 march-mid August 75)
After the Zambians had been satisfied that they had managed to isolate most snr members of dare n high command they began the second phase of the operation. They informed the OAU liberation committee that
they had started a programme to unify the liberation forces under the umbrella of the UANC in accordance with the Lusaka accord.
To this end they brought in a company of 100 zipra fighters under the command of lookout Masuku n Eliot masengo and a platoon of 30 froliz fighters under grey mutemaango in order to create an impression of a new utd army.
However the zipra n froliz fighters small in number wr introduced at Mboroma to take over the command of the zanla fighters hu had been left leaderless after the arrest of the commanders
One Lt Col Sibanda was in charge of the supposed intergration.he banned party slogans n political lessons however zanla refused on the later arguing that lessons wr important for moral of a fighter.
Around mid-May 75 there was food poisoning at murombo by the time it was discovered abt 60% had already finished their supper. Fortunately no one died thanks to a spirit medium ,sekuru chidyamauyu assistant to mbuya nehanda.he is said to have declared that no one was going to die n told the cadres that the Zambians wr behind the poisoning
The Zambian n zipra fighters tried to cow zanla into submission thru various means
however the cadres remained steadfast .thanks to military training of the fighters at Mgagao
They wr clashes in the camp btwn zanla m zipra fighters. At one time the zanla cadres staged a hunger strike demanding that their president Sithole be brought to the camp. That was end of June
On the third day of the strike Sithole arrived at the camp accompanied by Lt Gen Kinsley n other nationalist leaders including Nkomo,chikerema n Muzorewa.
Sithole addressed the camp underlining his commitment to the welfare of the cadres n the war, something the combatants longed to hear in the presence of snr Zambian gvt officials
After a month (end of July) Sithole returned to Mboroma .he introduced his new structure the Zimbabwe liberation Council (ZLC)
In his book Dzino said that ad the snr zanla member he asked Sithole for help at the camp as their welfare was under danger. He further said that Sithole handed him 25 kwacha. He argued that the then party leader seemed not to care.
Meanwhile Tongogara was tortured n forced to confess to the death of Chitepo
The ZLC High Command was created made up of zanla, zipra n frolizi with gwindingwi
as the commander. In coming up with this Sithole did not consult the existing members of zanla high command or dare
Sithole was working with noel mukono former sec of external affairs in the dare n Simpson Mutambanengwe hu no longer had a position in the dare n both of whom had colluded with Nhari-badza dissidents
The formation of ZLC was now undermining zanla and that was the time Sithole had a fall out with the fighters
The snrs zanla commanders hu had a fall out with Sithole hu wr not in prison included James nyikadzinashe, parker chipoera Saul sadza Gordon Mlambo, Dzino
While these political events we happening in Lusaka there was a massacre of zanla fighters at Mboroma
On 11 sept 75 nine zanla fighters wr killed n a dozen injured
The Zambian authorities had opened fire on zanla fighters hu wr unarmed. Sithole was given the report but did nothing .instead of visiting the camp n attend to the situation he flew to…. u all know wr…to c his daughter angel ane dzibwa achisiya ana mukoma vaurawa.
The free members of the high command (young commanders) then held a meetim with Muzenda then a CC member n they discussed abt Sithole.
Muzenda told them that other nationalist back home had lost faith in him n they wanted him replaced.
-the young commanders (Dzino n others) then visited Tongogara n members of dare to ask for way forward.
They wr told that they must replace Sithole with Cde Mugabe
The detained leaders wr Tongo ,mukudzei mudzi,gumbo n kangai
The young commanders were told to do what they can to restart the war that had come to a halt following the death of Chitepo n the subsequent arrest of leaders
Martin and Johnson claim that the young commanders were given a document by kangai to form a united front in the struggled for Zimbabwe
The young commanders led by Dzino then traveled to Mgagao to start the battle to unseat Sithole.
-this was not an easy task as most fighters believed in Sithole leadership albeit they were not aware of the politics occurring in the party.
In the absence of Dzino rex Nhongo a member of the high command was deployed at Mgagao as camp commander.
-at Mgagao the young commanders drafted the Mgagao declaration denouncing Sithole n replacing him with Mugabe.
They then explained to the fighters (abt 1200) and 50 zanla officers.
Please note the oldest of them was 25yrs that was Dzino I think
The younger commanders thru Saul sadza approached the Tanzanian gvt over the resumption of the war .that was early October
The young commanders challenged the unity accord arguing that no benefit had resulted from it n denounced sithole, Nkomo chikerema n Muzorewa while praising Cde Mugabe
*****please b patient with m I’m almost done
Nevanji: Very patient
Intel Supremo: The Tanzanian gvt told them they were ready to support them to restart the war but asked the young commanders to approach the Mozambique.
– A delegation led by rex n sadza went to moza
In the meantime Sithole returned to Lusaka after a month. He was determined to assert his authority over the military .he flew to dar-es-Salaam at the end of Oct to gain control of Mgagao accompanied. By Kenneth gwindingwi.
He approaches the Tanzanian gvt but to no avail
In moza rex n sadza managed to gain support of the moza gvt hence sealing the fate of Sithole n the resumption of the war
Rex nhongo, Dzino sadza n nyikadzinashe later become the backbone of ZIPA.
Within two weeks of the Mgagao declaration being submitted to the designated recipients that is President Nyerere n Machel, Col mbita of Tanzania summoned rex, Dzino n Saul sadza .he told them that the OAU liberation committee was prepared to support the resumption of the liberation war in Zim on the condition that they team up with Zipra.
They were not prepared to support them as zanu only
Others argue that nyerere n samora were prepared to support zanla alone but Kaunda hu was close to zapu asked them to include zapu in the equation
Then Nhongo, Dzino sadza, chipoera n Hondo from zanla
And nikita, John dube Gordon munyanyi n mudzingwa from zipra went to moza to meet samora marking the birth of zipa
And the war resumed marking the end of detente
The release of the leaders in Zambian prisons as we as the release of Cde Mugabe n Tekere in isolation at a farm in moza by samora
Admn over to u
I know I v left a lot I think we can help each other as we open the floor
Nevanji: Thank you Cadre Bidzo
Very informative….esp. yeK25 iyo
Intel Supremo: Please note that it were the young commanders hu took us thru this phase.
They were the ones hu engaged frontline states to restart the war and not the nationalist
I believe if they were not strong enough the liberation war cld v taken a different root
I guess thus y some if not most of them later clashed with the nationalist resulting in vashandi 1
�the Godfather: Thank you Intel Supremo
Very informative….Right, I know its late and this forms the basis of points of arguments as we get deeper on this subject. Apa ndopanoda kunzi #GettingDeeper kwete zvana Ash Lumumba.
Intel Supremo: Handei CiC
I v provided the platform lets go deeper
�the Godfather: So in 1975 which was the middle of detente we had 1. Nhari Rebellion >> Battle of Chifombo >> Death of Chairman Chitepo >> the Mboroma Incarceration >> Fallout with Kaunda >> Birth of ZIPA
Intel Supremo: CiC Nhari was in December 74
�the Godfather: During all these twists and turns of the journey of our liberation, where was the National People’s Congress which is the supreme body yemusangano?
�the Godfather: Ok noted Intel Boss,
Intel Supremo: Detente can say started soon after the Nhari badza just after the signing of the Lusaka unity accord
To answer your question the last congress was held in 63.
n in 65-69 we created the external wing headed by Chitepo as mandated by the detained leaders
Then in we created dare in 69
So I will say the congress was not in place during this period
Mwalimu Chirasha Gilbert: Thanks for the Infor
Intel Supremo
Nevanji: Ndopatenge tichiti garai apa💺 mudzidzise vana gwara ipapo
Intel Supremo: Plus remember the external leaders that is members of dare had been arrested n the internal leadership was detained thou they were released in the same year but vange vasati vasvika kusango
Nevanji: Ndoratoti gwara reZanu Pf iri rozoita vamwe vari we are stockholders
Intel Supremo: Infor sup that assertion is correct but I believe ndiyo yakaita kuti ana Dzino vazosare coz vange vozviita varidzi vechinhu vakuti gun must control politics not nationalist controlling them
�the Godfather: True 👼�Information Boss
Nevanji: Intel Sup
The issue yana Dzino I think isn’t exactly linked to that. Remember, they cld have said to hell w nationalists but they didn’t
The gun was under their control, Machel backed the gun to lead but coz they were ideologically correct they allowed the nationalists to continue spearheading them n leading them n they had respect for elders…….
I hope u will one day zero in on the compromise tt was agreed back then
�the Godfather: �Intel Supremo.
I included the Nhari Rebellion because all the tensions started from there. It is at Chifombo where Gen Tongo is alleged to have said “Tine vatengesi pakati pedu”, he had called for a DARE meeting at the site of his military victory and being a soldier it’s always sweet to ascertain your dominance pawahwinhira
Mwalimu Chirasha Gilbert: At least, in terms of the major events, U have covered well, however during the Détente period, the area yePower vacuum, which led to Cde RG to represent the Party to the aborted Geneva talks of ’75, who was still then the SG is also critical for people to understand, as well as how he was hand held by the Commanders & young commanders who catapulted him to the apex of ZANU/ZANLA
Nevanji: Ana Dzinashe vakasara I think coz of feeling sidelined n wanted to return back control to themselves…. Personal unbridled ambition
Intel Supremo: Thanks cde Gidza n I agree.
I tried to provide a bit of Infor on the role of the commanders in elevating RGM at Mgagao n how they convinced samora n nyerere hu wr against the idea of RGM leading.
The two presidents thot a young commander will rise to lead as the case with samora
Intel Supremo: The two had been frustrated by the politics of the nationalist
* politicking
Mwalimu Chirasha Gilbert: Indeed, there was a lot of disorder during the Détente period and “vanhu vakafa”, but that disorder which culminated to the Mgagao and Chimoio Congress was brought about by “ana mukoma”,
They played a critical role in ending détente by taking control of the Party and the armed wing. Names like Charles Dauramanzi, Sheba Gava, Nhongo, and Cde Tongo were very frequent in the ascension of RG, because they were the senior Commanders
‘Ana mukoma’, played a pivotal role in the ushering in of the decisive phase of the liberation struggle.
Mwalimu Chirasha Gilbert: Many may ask kuti were was Cde Smart Tembo, aka Cde EDM.
Nevanji: Please note; vanga vasisanzi Mabhunu Dzokerai ipapo
Intel Supremo: Cde gidza I v often asked myself that question
Mwalimu Chirasha Gilbert: Remember, when détente started, there were a lot of Cdes from ZANU and ZANLA, who were arrested and detained in Zambia, and considering that the Zambian authorities were heavily inclined to ZAPU/ZIPRA.
It was the task of him through comms with RG who was the SG to ensure that all the top officials would be released and he would follow suit in Mozambique, and thus, after the fulfillment of that task prior to the Geneva Conference of ’75 that all the Cdes had now assembled in Mozambique ready to usher in the next phase of the armed struggle
It was because of such Covet operations, and their success, that he upon joining other Cdes in Mozambique that he was made Head of Security and Personal Assistant at the Congress.
Also remember kuti during his studies and stay in Zambia, he was close to Chitepo and the likes of Cde Tongo who was also based in Zambia that they formed a team which was defiant and a threat to Rhodesia and which led to that sting operation as told by Ken flower
I think Cde Intel Supremo did justice lest tingazoisa ndove pangetani
Intel Supremo: Well put cde gidza
There are a lot of events that occurred that lead to detente.
Some blvd that the external zanu leaders wr radicals n the internal leadership was less communist hence the smith regime released them so that they take control of the army.
�the Godfather: Thank you very much �Intel Supremo
That was the ZANLA/ZANU side of detente. The other side on the ZIPRA/ZAPU side we cover in the next epistle
Mwalimu Chirasha Gilbert: That perception also affected ascension yaHE to the top. In fact, that perception was also the reason for the Nhari rebellion, the second one.
This resulted in kusungwa kwaChihuri, Rugare, Dzino and others
Intel Supremo: Mange muchida kuti vashandi ndika not Nhari
Mwalimu Chirasha Gilbert: Remember, Rugare’s incarceration and his 180interview
Intel Supremo: Dzino n other 18 young commanders of Zipa
Mwalimu Chirasha Gilbert: Yes, spelling incorrect Intel Supremo
Rugare’ 1980 interview
Intel Supremo: Rugare, Crispen mandizvidza n chocha were arrested later after ana Dzino after they demanded the release of the young commanders. Knw as vashandi 2
Mwalimu Chirasha Gilbert: Kkkkkkkkk! Another notable name paVashandi is Cde Alexander Kanengoni, iyi yangaisingazivikanwe, ndakaibata manje manje
Crispen Mandizvidza mudhara waTazzen wekuZBC


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