Rt.Gen The Bans: I am Director Information and Public Relations Simpleton Banny and I will be bringing you the first episode of *Parliament Watch*
The Program will be coming to you every month and the episode am giving you today was prepared on 21st February 2018.
21st February 2018
Both Houses of Parliament are in Recess for Three Weeks
Sittings of both Houses will Resume on Tuesday 6th March
February Parliamentary Sittings
The National Assembly sat six times – on 6th, 7th, 8th and 13th, 14th and 15th February.
The Senate sat three times – on 13th, 14th and 15th February.
Progress on Bills was achieved in both Houses – see below under heading In Parliament Last Week.
Land Commission Bill Awaits Presidential Assent and Gazetting as Law
The Land Commission Bill was sent to the President’s Office on 11th January for the President’s assent and Gazetting as law.
Reminder: This Bill provides a rare example of a Bill on which a disagreement between the National Assembly and the Senate was resolved by the National Assembly using its constitutional power to reject amendments made by the Senate. The Senate, agreeing with Senator Chiefs, made certain amendments that would have allowed Chiefs to play a role in the work of the Land Commission. When the
Bill went back to the National Assembly the responsible Minister rejected these amendments and the National Assembly agreed with him. After the waiting period decreed by the Constitution, the National Assembly on 19th December resolved that the Bill be submitted to the President for assent and Gazetting as law in the form in which it was originally passed by the National Assembly, i.e., without the amendments made by the Senate.
In Parliament Last Week – Further Progress on Bills
Three Bills finally passed
At the start of the week, the following three Bills received from the National Assembly were awaiting the Senate’s attention. All were passed by close of business on Thursday 15th February. The next step is for the Bills to be sent to the President for assent and Gazetting as Acts.
Estates Administrators Amendment Bill.
The Bill went through all its stages in the Senate on 15th February and was passed without further amendment; one amendment had been made by the National Assembly before it was sent to the Senate on 8th February.
Finance Bill
The Bill went through all its stages in the Senate on 14th February. No amendments were made by the Senate in addition to those already made by the National Assembly – which amended the Bill during its routine Committee Stage and, subsequently, when it had to be go back to a reconvened committee stage after discovery of errors in clause 37
Appropriation (2018) Bill
The Senate also passed this Bill on 14th February. The National Assembly had passed it on 18th January, after persuading the Minister of Finance and Economic Development to increase the votes for Parliament and the Ministry of Health and Child Care.
Bills in the National Assembly
The following Bills are being dealt with:
Civil Aviation Amendment Bill
The Minister of Transport and Infrastructural Development introduced this Bill in the National Assembly on Tuesday 13th February. The Bill was given its First Reading and immediately referred to the Parliamentary Legal Committee [PLC]. Meanwhile, the Portfolio Committee on Transport and Infrastructural Development held its scheduled public hearings on the Bill in Bulawayo on 12th February and Harare on 13th February. The committee’s report on the public hearings will be presented during the Second Reading stage of the Bill, which cannot start until the Bill has been cleared by a non-adverse report from the PLC.
Public Entities Corporate Governance Bill
The Committee Stage was taken on Tuesday 13th February. A number of amendments proposed by the Minister of Finance and Economic Development were approved, and the amended Bill was referred back to the PLC for the further report required by the Constitution.
Further progress on the Bill now awaits receipt of the PLC report.
Insolvency Bill
On 13th February the Second Reading stage opened with an explanation of the background to and content of the Bill by the Minister of Justice, Legal and Parliamentary Affairs. He said that the Bill was a product of the Doing Business Reforms Agenda launched by the Government in 2015, wherein the resolution of insolvency cases was identified as one of the key factors crucial to the effective and efficient running of business enterprises. It was also noted that the current legislation governing the resolution of insolvency cases was scattered in several pieces of legislation and outdated, thereby lengthening the process of resolving such cases. The Bill therefore seeks, the Minister said, to codify into one coherent piece of legislation the insolvency laws of Zimbabwe; supplement judicial management mechanisms with other modern re-organisation processes so as to ensure timely payment of creditors; modernise the winding up provisions that were previously under the Companies Act; provide for cross-border insolvency resolutions; and provide for the regulation of Insolvency Practitioners. Debate is due to continue on 6th March.
Electoral Amendment Bill
The Second Reading stage started on Thursday 15th February with a speech by the Minister of Justice, Legal and Parliamentary Affairs explaining the Bill and the presentation by Hon Chasi of the report of the Portfolio Committee on Justice, Legal and Parliamentary Affairs on
the Bill and the public hearings held by the committee. Debate is due to continue on 6th March.
It makes a number of recommendations for electoral reform, which the committee says, “must all be implemented by 31st March, 2018”. These recommendations include:
“3.1. The Minister of Justice, Legal and Parliamentary Affairs needs to table before Parliament a Bill with all-encompassing electoral reforms in order to make the Act compliant with the Constitution.”
“3.9. ZEC must be allowed its independence so that it has power to invite foreign observers and approve local and international observers as well. “
“3.10. There is need for amendment or outright repeal of statutes that have an inimical impact on elections such as POSA, AIPPA and the Broadcasting Services Act.”
The report ends with the following observation—
“A comprehensive approach to amending the Electoral Act would address many gaps in the electoral law and inconsistencies to the Constitution, thereby bringing voter confidence to the polls. This would also create a conducive environment for credible, free and fair elections.”
Bills under Consideration by Parliamentary Legal Committee
The following three Bills are under consideration by the PLC for submission of the committee’s reports to the National Assembly:
Public Health Bill
[referred to PLC after First Reading on 11th January]
Public Entities Corporate Governance Bill
[referred to PLC on 13th February for report on Committee Stage amendments]
Civil Aviation Bill
[referred to PLC after First Reading on 13th February].
Bills Still Awaiting Attention
Shop Licences Amendment Bill
[awaiting resumption of consideration of an adverse report from the PLC, this is listed as item 1 on the National Assembly’s Order Paper for Thursday 8th March]
Mines and Minerals Amendment Bill 2015
[awaiting delivery of Second Reading speech from the Minister of Mines and Mining Development outlining the background to and content of the Bill – this is listed as item 1 on the National Assembly’s Order Paper for Tuesday 13th March]
Zimbabwe Iron and Steel Company (Debt Assumption) Bill, 2018
[awaiting First Reading, following Gazetting on 19th January 2018].
Ladies and Gentleman this is the first episode of Zanu PF Patriots Parliament Watch.
This is the real job for Parliamentarians so as we head into Primary Elections then the General Election Akeley sure you have voted for someone who can understand some of the bills and the actual duties of a parliamentary.
Citizens are also participants in the legislation through public hearings and the advert attached is for the Public Health Bill
theGodFather: DI&PR
You mentioned 3-Bills which are still awaiting attention i.e.
¶ Mines and Minerals Amendment Bill 2015
¶ ZISCO (Debt Assumption) Bill 2018
¶ Shop Licenses Amendment Bill
Of these 3 which one do you think is likely to get some resistance to pass?
Rt.Gen The Bans: The Godfather
I believe the ZISCO (Debt Assumption) Bill will face resistance because the government has assumed a lot of debts from parastatals. Most of these debts were results of mismanagement and corruption within these organisations and no arrests are being made and the burden is being out on the tax payers. So I see some legislators calling for arrests before the debt assumption
theGodFather: DI&PR
If you were a member of the august house would you have blocked the ZISCO (Debt Assumption) Bill?
Rt.Gen The Bans: The Godfather
I wouldn’t have blocked the Bill but would ask for transparency and make sure we do not create a monster that would come and hurt us again tomorrow.
If Parastatal bosses knows that once you run down a company you will only lose your job and nothing else happens to you and the debt is assumed by the state and life goes on we will create future monsters.
Before a debt is assumed by government there must be clear steps taken to make sure a repeat scenario won’t happen and those who benefitted must refund or return the assets acquired.
Remember we have had the government assume the RBZ Debt but most of the guys who got tractors and farming equipment still have the equipment a different nothing was done to them and the taxpayers are now bearing the burden
theGodFather: On point DI&PR
However hush hush messages within the corridors of powers are saying the Chinese investor has set a condition that they can only come on board provided they do not inherit any debt. This has forced Govt to assume the Zisco debts to pave way for the investor.
¶ Are Chinese being fair or they are negotiating badly?
¶ Given such a scenario, isn’t it of utmost importance that we pass the Bill no questions asked?
Rt.Gen The Bans: The Godfather
If that is the scenario then we have to pass the Bill without many questions but we need to make sure we tighten up screws to avoid a repeat of the situation.
I can’t say the Chinese are being unfair as you cannot come into a company and pour even $5 million down the drain just like that before you start anything meaningful. Surely they won’t realise profit which is the reason for their investment.
theGodFather: DI&PR
An interesting Bill to keenly follow for everyone especially Zanu Pf Youth League Business Development and Liaison Secretary would be the *Shop Licenses Amendment Bill*
Any change of conditions and rates at this juncture will affect our mobilization thrust.
¶ Is anyone within the Party and YL in the picture of the proposed amendments?
¶ Shouldn’t we have workshops in the areas where informal businesspeople are clustered?
Rt.Gen The Bans: The Godfather
I don’t think we are there yet as the Party. The Party structures are very much divorced with Parliamentary business exemplified by the non-participation of Party Members in most public hearings.
This is likely not going to be an exception, we will only find out about its contents when you are about to venture into the business.
This is sad though
theGodFather: DI&PR
The recently held Mining Indaba which was oversubscribed was a huge success. Anglo Platinum CEO was quoted in some publication saying he will not bring his 1/2billion to Zimbabwe because of policy inconsistencies. Today we read RioZim CEO saying he will pump $125mln towards expansion projects in Zimbabwe.
Seems there is mixed feelings towards the country’s policies
Are we likely to see Hon Chitando making wholesome amendments to the Act so as to please investors or it’s just an old bill that needs realignment?
Rt.Gen The Bans: The Godfather
The Mines and Minerals Amendment Bill is a very important Bill that will either make or break the economy.
Mining is a key production sector which has a lot of investors keen to invest as evidenced by the oversubscribed Mining Indaba.
The way the Bill is structured will either lure the investors or push them out for good.
The Bill has to reflect that Zimbabwe is open for business through clarity on key issues such as 51/49% ownership and respect of claims owned by multinational companies. These are issues which can guarantee investors and we can see them flocking to Zimbabwe.
However if we give in too much we will be left with holes throughout the country without realising anything meaningful. Minerals are non-renewable so we have to make sure that we get maximum benefits.
theGodFather: DI&PR
During the Public Hearings of these Bills, isn’t it a chance for the youths to insert clauses that tilts the pendulum towards a youth empowerment initiative?
Rt.Gen The Bans: The Godfather
We don’t attend these meetings and we are never informed about it. Our legislators never come back to the Constituency to brief us on pending Bills and Public hearings. They only ask us about who else is planning to contest him next time.
The first port of call is to elect not young MPS but people who have the requisite knowledge and skills to deal with these issues, someone who can make use of the public hearings to insert clauses that will empower the community he represents
theGodFather: Noted but isn’t it we are advocating for youth space and to prove our worth we should structure and research these issue like we are doing here? Maybe a case of wrong Youth leaders?
Rt.Gen The Bans: The Godfather
Why do you continue pressing on any item that I have been avoiding all night? I wouldn’t want to dwell on our Youth Leaders for some will think it’s personal when you start pointing some of their misgivings. So let me not comment on that.
However we need people who must research on these so that we build a knowledgeable generation. These acts are there to stay we need to make sure we include sections that will ensure our people are the winners at the end of the day
theGodFather: DI&PR
On that note let’s close this session. We will try by all means to get copies of these Bills and look into clauses that are being amended.
On a later stage we will request our resident legislators to come and we zero in on the ZISCO (Debt Assumption) Bill and we also give our input.
Thank you all who were following.