Business Hub Vision
Business Hub’s Vision is to catalyze the emergence of business enterprises started by Patriots and to build synergy opportunities in an effort to empower and improve Zanu PF Patriots members’ lives, the community and the nation at large.
With that in mind, we are going to introduce several programs that include:
Patriots Business Lounge
This is a business talk show that will host mainly Patriots who are in business to share insights, challenges & opportunities of the economic opportunities they are pursuing. We intend to create a platform that will make it possible for SMEs and start ups that are currently being operated to be visible on the Forum and probably unlock synergy opportunities with potential investors, clients and stakeholders.
We will broaden the program to include those Patriots who have not yet executed their concepts but still on Idealization Stage. Again, the purpose is to unlock value from the Patriot Community that could be leveraged to jump start the idea.
We will host this Program every Tuesday on Prime Time, from 7pm- 8pm.
Patriots Business Champion
This program will be hosted once every month and we will seek to host an established successful entrepreneurs who will share their entrepreneurial journey and the strategies they developed to build their Business Model.
The idea behind this program is not only to glean insights from successful entrepreneurs but also to create a network of successful business people who understand the vision behind what we are trying to build as a Patriots Business Hub and to create relevant content that will be shared and distributed across all our media outlets.
The strategy as well is to go beyond hosting a question and answer session on our Whats App group but to actual interactions that are captured via video and audio.
We believe this program will cast the seed and eventually grow into Business Seminars that we will host with some of these entrepreneurs and invite stakeholders from across the economic spectrum including representatives from Government.
Patriots Business News Trending Review
This program will seek to curate business articles that trended and created a buzz in any given week and bring them under closer scrutiny by Patriots through in depth analysis and discussions around the news article. The idea behind this program is to facilitate a deeper understanding of business issues beyond the common narrative of the average person.
This program will be hosted on Monday on Prime Time from 7pm-8pm and will focus on business and economic articles that trended the previous week.
Patriots Business Expert View
This program will accommodate business technocrats who will share insights on any given business topic, be it, tax, accounting, cryptocurrency, or any other topic that could need expert attention.
We will seek to host strategically positioned technocrats in any business field to shed more light on the areas of their expertise.
Unlike, the Patriots Business Champion, this program will not host entrepreneurs but rather high level managers and other expert people in a certain business field. The objectives are to create a network of people whom we can use to further the broader Patriots Business Objectives and to leverage content for our media outlets.
This program will be hosted once every month.
The Zimbabwe Economy in Retrospect
This program will seek to analyze our economy from the past and link it to the present and the future. The generational make up of Patriots necessitates that we will have to travel back in time and unpack the economic policies of the Past and understand their limitations and opportunities & how those policies could influence the today’s making processes.
This program will be hosted every Thursday from 7pm-8pm and in depth research will be undertaken to unpack business and economic issues in Retrospect and how that influences the Present.
Patriots Market Friday
This program is intended for Patriots with micro businesses that might not be interested to be hosted on Patriots Business Lounge
This program shall be hosted every Friday at 19:00 hrs to 19:30 hrs as we open up the Forum to adverts and marketing of products by Patriots who are in Business for 30 mins.