Patriots Day Binga 29 March 2019

5th Zanu PF Patriots Anniversary Celebrations

Zanu PF Patriots was formed on 16 March 2014 and is celebrating its 5th year in existence. In 2017 it’s 3rd Anniversary, Patriots felt it was important to hold Celebrations for this day and it was named Patriots Day.

The first Patriots Day Celebrations were held on 25 May 2017 at Matthew Rusike Children’s home in Epworth Harare. The day was marked with donation of various assortment of goods to the Children’s homes, lunch and games at the Home and an after Party was hosted by Dr Shamu at his Mt Pleasant Residence.

In 2018 the Patriots Day Celebrations were hosted by Patriots in Bulawayo at Matopos Sailing Club. The day was filled with fun as Patriots went sightseeing at Matopos National Park and spent the evening around a bonfire.

This year’s Celebrations will  be hosted in Binga Matebeleland North from the 28th to 30th March 2019.

It is our desire that as many members of Zanu PF  Patriots attend this year’s celebrations.

The theme for this year’s 5th Patriots’ Day to be held in Binga, Matabeleland North is:


Venue: Binga High School, Binga Matebeleland North
Dates: 28 – 30 March 2019

Preferred Philanthropy Activities:

  1. Donating sanitary pads to Binga High school (From Patriots Philanthropy initiative)

2. Donate 1000 recyclable/washable pads to Manjolo Secondary school (Already sourced)

3. Donate 200 free range poultry (road runners) to Donga Primary school and offer a short crash training program by Dr Shamu (SG of Zimbabwe free range poultry Association) (Already sourced)

Why Binga?

Binga has struggled against the opposition from 1980 (ZAPU) and to date (MDC). The main reason is that Binga has always been neglected by ZANU pf due to its lack of proximity to the capital. Hence an event by ZANU pf patriots will be a big shot in the arm not only for Binga but the party as a whole.

Binga has faced a lot of stereotypes due to the fact that most Zimbabweans have little knowledge of the Tonga people. Who can be a better ambassador against marginalisation and stereotypes than Patriots

Binga presents huge business opportunities for patriots ranging from fish farming, tourism, mining, safaris et al. This is virgin land begging to be ‘exploited’ economically

Patriots will enjoy the following:
-Tour of the BaTonga museum. Get first hand info about the BaTonga and their artifacts like Tonga smoking pipe and baskets

– Boat cruises
– Braai at the only sand beach in Zimbabwe
– Party on an island
– Taste the Tonga diets
– Braai goats, fish, croc tails and the usual gango
– Tour of crocodile farm
– marine game drive on lake Kariba

+Affordable accommodation at a lodge overlooking the river has been organised. The lodge has natural hotsprings with a hot pool

Team Binga intends to open the event to the community where members of the press, Chiefs, DA and other dignitaries will be invited. Tents from public works will be acquired and PA system. Then after that we go on private tours and the after party at night

But most importantly get to help one of the most marginalized tribes in Zimbabwe

Dr Aaron Shamu Head of Team Binga

Program for the day:
1. Donation of Sanitary Pads to Underprivileged Girls in Binga
2. Donation of free range chickens and training on Free Range Poultry Farming
3. Patriots Get Together at the Sand Beach, Visit to the BaTonga Museum, Hot Springs and Boat Cruise
4. Beach Volleyball between Team K and Team P together with fishing competition.
$10 per every Patriot on the Group
Package 1.
$195 Bond/US $60 ($50 attendance fee, $105 transport & $40 accommodation at Rest Camp 2 nights + free Patriots Day T Shirt)
Package 2.
$230/ US$ 70 ($50 attendance fee, $105 transport & $80 accommodation at Journey End + free Patriots Day T Shirt )
NB. Accommodation on both packages is sharing
Package 3
$435 Bond/US $ 165 ($50 attendance fee, $105 transport & $280 accommodation at Lake View Inn 2 nights + free Patriots Day T Shirt)
Accommodation on package 3 is not sharing
All contributions and donations will be send to Patriots Ecocash Merchant Account
short code **151*2*2*240278*amount#*
After sending your money you should send Confirmation to Cde ⁨Dee⁩ clearly stating the purpose of the money eg $250 donation for Sanitary Wear or $10 mandatory fee etc.

Steering Committee 5th Zanu PF Patriots Day Celebrations, Binga 2019

Overall Team Leader

  Dr Shamu @Save 

1. Resource Mobilisation

  Cde Ngorima @Ba Betty 

  Cde Doreen @multipledosesofcuteness 

  Cde Bans

  Cde Mukupe @Hon Terrence Mukupe 

  Dr Guzah @Hon Keith Guzah 

  Cde Farai @The Godfather 

2. Venues, entertainment and logistics

  Cde Elias @Cde Elias Sibanda 

  Cde Prayer Moyo @Prayer .A. Moyo 

  Cde Danny @Yahya Jammer 

  Thug Kamba @The Goldfinger 

  Cde Mukwasi @Clement Mukwasi 

  Changamire @CHANGAMIRE 👑 SHUMBA 🦁 

3. Philanthropy

  Patriots philanthropy team led by Dr Soko @Makwiramiti 

4. Transport

  Cde Tsindi @Cde Bishop Tsindi 

  Cde Joe Tshuma @joetshuma50 

  Cde Maride @the Sniper 

  Cde Dewa @Cde Dewa 

5. Bar and Catering

  Cde Doreen @multipledosesofcuteness 

  Mai Meme 

  Adv Kuda  @Adv K. J. Muzenda 

6. Information and Publicity

  Cde Bans and his crew

  Cde Munashe @Cde Munashe Mtutsa 

Binga 2019 Information and Publicity Team

Patriots Day 2019 Update

This year’s celebrations will be a packed event as we will have a lot of activities on the day. We will start with donation to underprivileged members of the Society, tour of the BaTonga Museum to learn about the Tonga Culture, games and bonding at the Beach and capping of with a bonfire at night.


1. 5000 Sanitary Pads sourced by Patriots in Cape Town led by Cde @⁨Gibson⁩ 

2. 1000 reusable Sanitary Pads donated by Dr @⁨Save⁩ 

3. 1000 exercise books

4. 200 Free Range Chickens 

These goods will be donated to girls, boys and women in Binga.


1. Transport

A 63 seater bus has been sourced from our partners Ministry of Tourism and Hospitality Industry.

The bus will depart from Harare and will pick up passengers along the way to Binga and will use the *Harare-Bulawayo-Dete-Binga* route.

2. Accommodation 

All Patriots will be accommodated at Rest Camp for 2 nights. We will use these Celebrations to bond as Patriots staying at the same place.

3. Food

A Committee responsible for our food has been set up and will be preparing food for us. If anyone has allergies or something unique must get in touch with Cde @⁨Mai Meme⁩


Mandatory $10 towards Binga 2019 for all Patriots has so far been paid by around 100 Patriots.

Our Members in the Diaspora also worked on donations in their respective areas as follows:

1. Patriots in Cape Town, Coordinator Cde @⁨Gibson⁩ 
-Donated 5000 Sanitary Pads

2. Rest of South Africa, Coordinator Cde @⁨LADY M⁩ 
-still working in their donations, last they reported they had 700 rands

3. Namibia, Coordinator Cde @⁨Sabhuku kangausaru⁩ 
-still waiting on the package

4. UK and Europe, Coordinator Cde @⁨Hwaro-Nyanguru Xavier⁩ 
-donated £90 

Patriots in these areas must liaise with these coordinators and work together towards Binga 2019.


To attend the Patriots Day Celebrations one has to pay the following package 

List of other Donations towards Patriots Day received so far

1. 100 litres of fuel by Hon Joe @⁨joetshuma50⁩ 
2. RTGS  $100 by Hon Simba @⁨Simbarashe Mupandanyama⁩ 
3. RTGS $100 worth of sausages donated by Dr Soko @⁨Soko⁩ 
4. 300 exercise books donated by Hon Doreen @⁨multipledosesofcuteness⁩ 
5. 50 kg Rice donated by Hon Dr Guzah @⁨🐘⁩ 
6. Bibles donated by Dr Rue @⁨Dr Rue⁩ 

Further contributions and donations are expected amongst Patriots in Zimbabwe.

So far 16 members have paid to attend Patriots Day Celebrations 2019 in Binga.

5 students in attachment at the Ministry of Tourism and Hospitality Industry and 5 officers from the Party’s Department of Tourism will be joining us.

A further 10 students on attachment at the Party HQ are being considered to join us on the trip to Binga.